
Norme di prova per la Tester ciclici di corrosione Q-FOG


Pratica standard per il funzionamento del dispositivo di nebbia salina (Fog)

Questa pratica offre un ambiente a corrosività controllata, utilizzato per ottenere le informazioni sulla resistenza alla corrosione per campioni metallici e metallici rivestiti esposti in una camera di prova.


Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus

This practice provides a controlled corrosive environment which has been utilized to produce relative corrosion resistance information for specimens of metals and coated metals exposed in a given test chamber.

ASTM D1654

Specifiche, requisiti prestazionali e metodi di prova per rivestimenti organici ad alte prestazioni sui profilati e pannelli in alluminio

Questa specifica descrive le procedure di prova e i requisiti di prestazione per rivestimenti organici ad alte prestazioni applicati ai profilati e pannelli in alluminio per prodotti architettonici.

ASTM D1654

Voluntary Specification, Performance Requirements and Test Procedures for High Performance Organic Coatings on Aluminum Extrustions and Panels

This specification describes test procedures and performance requirements for high performance organic coatings applied to aluminum extrusions and panels for architectural products.

ASTM D1735

Pratica standard per la testare la resistenza all'acqua dei rivestimenti utilizzando dei dispositivi ad acqua nebulizzata.

Questa pratica comprende i principi fondamentali e le procedure operative per la verifica della resistenza all'acqua dei rivestimenti in un apparecchio simile a quello utilizzato per i test in nebbia salina.

ASTM D1735

Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings Using Water Fog Apparatus

This practice covers the basic principles and operating procedures for testing water resistance of coatings in an apparatus similar to that used for salt spray testing.

ASTM D2247

Pratica standard per test di resistenza all'acqua dei rivestimenti in ambienti con 100% di umidità relativa

Questa pratica comprende i principi fondamentali e le procedure operative per testare la resistenza all'acqua dei rivestimenti esponendo campioni rivestiti in un ambiente mantenuto al 100% di umidità relativa in modo che si possa formare la condensa sui campioni.

ASTM D2247

Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings in 100% Relative Humidity

This practice covers the basic principles and operating procedures for testing water resistance of coatings by exposing coated specimens in an atmosphere maintained at 100% relative humidity so that condensation forms on the test specimens.

ASTM D2803

Guida standard per la verifica della resistenza alla corrosione filiforme di metalli con rivestimenti organici

Questa guida si occupa di tre procedure per determinare la suscettibilità dei substrati metallici protetti da rivestimenti organici alla formazione di corrosione filiforme.

ASTM D2803

Standard Guide for Testing Filiform Corrosion Resistance of Organic Coatings on Metal

This guide covers three procedures for determining the susceptibility of organic-coated metal substrates to formation of filiform corrosion.

ASTM D3451

Guida standard per le prove sulle vernici in polvere e polveri di rivestimento

Questa guida comprende la selezione e l'utilizzo delle procedure di test sulle vernici in polvere e polveri di rivestimento. Sono elencati i metodi di prova inclusi a Table 1. Se per la stessa caratteristica vengono indicati più metodi di test, non viene indicata la superiorità di un metodo rispetto ad un altro. La selezione dei metodi da seguire deve essere dettata dalla esperienza e dalle esigenze individuali del caso. Tale metodo deve concordato tra l'acquirente e il venditore.

ASTM D3451

Standard Guide for Testing Coating Powders and Powder Coatings

This guide covers the selection and use of procedures for testing coating powders and powder coatings. The test methods included are listed in Table 1. Where more than one test method is listed for the same characteristic, no attempt is made to indicate superiority of one method over another. Selection of the methods to be followed must be governed by experience and the requirements in each individual case, together with agreement between the purchaser and the seller.

ASTM D4585

Pratica standard per la testare la resistenza all'acqua dei rivestimenti utilizzando la condensazione controllata.

Questa pratica comprende i principi fondamentali e le procedure operative per la verifica della resistenza all'acqua dei rivestimenti utilizzando la condensazione controllata.

ASTM D4585

Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings Using Controlled Condensation

This practice covers basic principles and operating procedures for testing water resistance of coatings using controlled condensation.

ASTM D5894

Pratica standard per l'esposizione di metallo verniciato a cicli nebbia salina/UV, (alternando le esposizioni in un ambiente nebbia/asciutto e UV/ condensa)

Questa pratica copre i principi base e la prassi operativa per la corrosione ciclica/esposizione ai raggi UV di vernici su metallo, con periodi alternati di esposizione in due strumenti differenti: una camera nebbia salina ciclica con cicli salina/asciutto e ed una camera di esposizione luce UV fluorescenti/ condensa.

ASTM D5894

Standard Practice for Cyclic Salt Fog/UV Exposure of Painted Metal, (Alternating Exposures in a Fog/Dry Cabinet and a UV/Condensation Cabinet)

This practice covers basic principles and operating practice for cyclic corrosion/UV exposure of paints on metal; using alternating periods of exposure in two different cabinets: a cycling salt fog/dry cabinet, and a fluorescent UV/condensation cabinet.

ASTM D6577

Guida standard per test industriali sui rivestimenti di protezione

Questa guida comprende la selezione e l'utilizzo dei metodi di prova e delle procedure per i test industriali sui rivestimenti di protezione.

ASTM D6577

Standard Guide for Testing Industrial Protective Coatings

This guide covers the selection and use of test methods and procedures for testing industrial protective coatings.

ASTM D6675

Pratica standard per prove di corrosione cosmetica in ambienti salini accelerati esterni dei rivestimenti organici sui foglio in acciaio dell'industria automobilistica

Questa pratica è progettata per assistere le procedure da seguire nella conduzione di esposizioni all'aperto per valutare la corrosione cosmetica che potrebbe verificarsi nei pannelli di acciaio rivestiti con un rivestimento organico che è stato danneggiato.

ASTM D6675

Standard Practice for Salt-Accelerated Outdoor Cosmetic Corrosion Testing of Organic Coatings on Automotive Sheet Steel

This practice is designed to assist procedures to be followed when conducting outdoor exposures to evaluate cosmetic corrosion that might occur in steel panels covered with an organic coating that has been damaged.


Pratica standard per dei test in nebbia salina modificata (Fog)

Questa pratica comprende e stabilisce le condizioni per cinque modifiche nei test di specifica sulla nebbia salina (nebbia).


Standard Practice for Modified Salt Spray (Fog) Testing

This practice covers and sets forth conditions for five modifications in salt spray (fog) testing for specification purposes.

BS 2011 Pt2.1 Ka

Test KA Salt Mist

See ISO 60068-2-11

BS 2011 Pt2.1 Kb

Test KB. Salt Mist, Cyclic (Sodium Chloride Solution)

See ISO 60068-2-52

BS 3900 F12

Methods of Test For Paints - Part F12: Determination of Resistance to Neutral Salt Spray (FOG)

See ISO 7253

BS 5466 1

Methods For Corrosion Testing of Metallic Coatings Part 1: Neutral Salt Spray Test (NSS TEST)

See ISO 9227

BS 7479

Method For Salt Spray Corrosion Tests in Artificial Atmospheres

See ISO 9227

DIN 50017

Condensation Water Tests Atmospheres

See ISO 6270

DIN 50021

Salt Spray Testing

See ISO 9227

Ford CETP 00.00-L-467

Global Laboratory Accelerated Cyclic Corrosion Test

This standard specifies an accelerated laboratory atmospheric corrosion test.

Ford FLTM BI 103-01

Prove di resistenza alla nebbia salina per pannelli e pezzi verniciati

Questo metodo viene utilizzato per testare la resistenza dei pannelli e pezzi verniciati alla nebbia salina.

Ford FLTM BI 103-01

Salt Spray Resistance Test for Painted Panels and Parts

This method is used to test the resistance to salt spray of painted panels and parts.

Ford FLTM BI 104-01

Prove d'immersione nell'acqua per pannelli e pezzi dipinti

Questo metodo viene utilizzato per determinare la resistenza alla degradazione di parti in metallo verniciato e plastica verniciata e di pannelli di prova immersi in acqua.

Ford FLTM BI 104-01

Water Immersion Test for Painted Parts and Panels

This method is used to determine the resistance to failure of painted metal and painted plastic parts and representative test panels when immersed in water.

Ford FLTM BI 104-02

Prove di vapore acqueo condensato

Questa procedura viene utilizzata per valutare gli effetti di un ambiente acqueo con condensa sui pannelli trattati.

Ford FLTM BI 104-02

Condensing Water Vapor Test

This procedure is used to evaluate the effects of a condensing water atmosphere on treated panels.

Ford FLTM BI 123-03

Component Corrosion Test

This test procedure is used to evaluate the corrosion performance of coatings applied to components. It is designed to simulate the corrosive conditions of the Arizona Proving Ground (APG) Vehicle Accelerated Corrosion Test (CETP 00.00-R-311).

Ford FLTM BQ 105-01

Copper-Accelerated Acetic Acid-Salt Spray Testing (CASS Test)

This procedure is used to determine the corrosion resistance primarily of stainless steel and plated parts. With respect to plated parts, it is used primarily for copper/nickel/chromium and nickel/chromium electroplated parts.

GB 5938

corrosion-resistant testing method of the metal deposits and conversion coatings for the light industrial products Neutral salt spraying test (NSS)

This standard applies to the inspection of the corrosion resistance of metal coatings and chemically treated layers.

GB/T 10125

Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres-salt spray tests

This standard specifies the equipment, reagents and methods used for neutral salt spray (NSS), acetate salt spray (AASS), and copper-accelerated acetate salt spray (CASS) tests.

GB/T 1771

Paints and varnishes-determination of resistance to neutral salt spray (fog)

This standard specifies the method for determining the resistance of coatings to neutral salt spray.

GB/T 20853

Corrosion of metals and alloys-Corrosion in artificial atmosphere-Accelerated corrosion test involving exposure under controlled conditions of humidity cycling and intermittent spraying of a salt solution

This standard specifies the test method for the corrosion resistance of metals in the presence of chloride ions. Chloride ions are mainly sodium chloride from marine and highway deicing salts.

GB/T 20854

Corrosion of metals and alloys-Accelerated testing involving cyclic exposure to salt mist, "dry" and "wet" condition

This standard specifies the instruments and test methods for accelerated corrosion tests used to evaluate the corrosion resistance of metal materials used in outdoor salt-contaminated environments, regardless of whether the material being tested has permanent or temporary corrosion protection. This standard specifies the conditions for cyclic exposure of samples to neutral salt spray, "dry" and "wet" test environments.

GM 4298P

Prove nebbia salina

GM 4298P

Salt Spray Test

GM 4465P

Prove di umidità nebbia d'acqua

Questa norma definisce i requisiti per i test di resistenza all'acqua dei campioni rivestiti in condizioni di nebbia d'acqua saturata.

GM 4465P

Water Fog Humidity Test

This standard covers the requirements for testing water resistance of coated specimens in saturated water fog conditions.

GM 9540P

Accelerated Corrosion Test

This procedure describes an accelerated laboratory corrosion test method to evaluate assemblies and components. The test procedure provides a combination of cyclic conditions (salt solution, various temperatures, humidity, and ambient environment) to accelerate metallic corrosion.

GMW 14729 (Option A)

Procedures For High Humidity Test

This procedure describes two options (water fog and wet-bottom) of high humidity testing which are typically used to evaluate the influence of high humidity environments to coated substrates. This influence is usually measured by testing physical and mechanical properties before and after exposure.

GMW 14872

Cyclic Corrosion Laboratory Test

This procedure describes an accelerated laboratory corrosion test method to evaluate assemblies and components. The test procedure provides a combination of cyclic conditions (salt solution, various temperatures, humidity, and ambient environment) to accelerate metallic corrosion.

GMW 3286

Neutral Salt Spray (NSS) Test

The neutral salt spray test is typically used to evaluate the corrosion resistance of metallic substrates and the corrosion preventative properties of coatings. 

Honda HES D6001 sec 4.3

General Test Methods For Plating

This standard specifies general test methods for plating.

Honda HES D6501 sec 3.15.1

General Test Methods For Coating

This procedure describes a salt spray test.

Honda HES D6501 sec 3.15.2

General Test Methods For Coating

This procedure describes a filiform corrosion test.

IEC 60068-2-11

Basic Environmental Testing Procedures, Part 2: Test KA: Salt Mist

This test is to be applied to compare the resistance to deterioration from salt mist of specimens of similar construction. It is useful for evaluating the quality and the uniformity of protective coatings.

ISO 16701

Corrosion of Metals and Alloys - Corrosion in Artificial Atmosphere - Accelerated Corrosion Test Involving Exposure Under Controlled Conditions of Humidity Cycling and Intermittent Spraying of Salt Solution

This International Standard defines an accelerated corrosion test method to be used in assessing the corrosion resistance of metals in environments where there is a significant influence of chloride ions, mainly as sodium chloride from a marine source or from road de-icing salt.

ISO 60082-2-52

Environmental Testing - Part 2: Tests - Test KB. Salt Mist Cyclic (Sodium Chloride Solution)

Specifies a test for components or equipment designed to withstand a salt-laden atmosphere. To be read in conjunction with BS EN 60068-1:1995.

ISO 6270-2

Paints And Varnishes - Determination of Resistance to Humidity - Part 2: Procedure For Exposing Test Specimens in Condensation- Water Atmospheres

This part of ISO 6270 describes the general conditions and procedures which need to be observed when testing coated test specimens in constant condensation-water atmospheres or in alternating condensation water atmospheres.

ISO 7253

Pitture e vernici - Determinazione della resistenza alla nebbia salina neutra (fog)

La presente norma internazionale rappresenta una delle norme che vengono impiegate nel campionamento e le analisi di pitture, vernici e prodotti correlati.

ISO 7253

Paints and Varnishes- Determination of resistance to neutral salt spray (fog)

This International Standard is one of a series of standards dealing with the sampling and testing of paints, varnishes and related products.

ISO 9227

Corrosion Tests in Artificial Atmospheres - Salt Spray Tests

ISO 9227

Prove di corrosione in atmosfere artificiali - Prove in nebbia salina

JIS H8502 Se. 7.3

Methods of Corrosion Resistance Test for Metallic Coatings

This standard specifies the methods of corrosion resistance testing for the metallic coatings and products coated with metal.

JIS Z2371 Sect. 7.2.3

Methods of Salt Spray Testing

This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies the required apparatus, reagent, technique or acceptance criteria when testing the corrosion resistance of metallic materials, or of those electroplated or treated with inorganic or organic films by the methods of neutral salt spray test (NSS), acetic acid salt spray test (AASS), or CASS test (CASS).

Mazda MES MN601

Test Method for Paint Films

This MES specifies a test method for coating films applied to automotive parts for the main purpose of corrosion prevention and ornamentation.

Mazda MES MN601, MCT-2M

Test Mode for Corrosion Resistance Test

This procedure describes a salt spray test.

Mazda MES MN601, MCT-3M

Test Mode for Corrosion Resistance Test

This procedure describes a salt spray test.

MIL-STD-202 (101E)

Test Method Standard: Electronic and Electrical Component Parts

The salt-spray test, in which specimens are subjected to a fine mist of salt solution, has several useful purposes when utilized with full recognition of its deficiencies and limitations.

Renault ECC1 - D17 2028

Corrosion Test by Automatic Phase Change Salt Spray Humidity and Drying

This test method is intended to describe a cycle of the cyclic corrosion test 1 (Essai de Corrosion Cyclique 1: ECC1) on the associated equipment and the verifications which are necessary to make sure that the test is in conformity.

SAE J1959

Composti per la prevenzione della corrosione, protezione alla corrosione del sottoscocca del veicolo

SAE J1959

Corrosion Preventive Compound, Underbody Vehicle Corrosion Protection

SAE J2334

Laboratory Cyclic Corrosion Test

The SAE J2334 lab test procedure should be used when determining corrosion performance for a particular coating system, substrate, process, or design. Since it is a field-correlated test, it can be used as a validation tool as well as a development tool. If corrosion mechanisms other than cosmetic or general corrosion are to be examined using this test, field correlation must be established.


Cyclic corrosion test methods of automotive assemblies and materials

This standard specifies the cyclic corrosion test methods for automotive parts and materials.

Toyota TSH 1555G

Test Method For Accelerated Corrosion Under Complex Environment

This standard covers the test method for reproduction, at an accelerated pace, of corrosion on each part of a vehicle body, in order to simulate the corrosion produced on actual vehicles.

Volvo STD 1027,1375

Accelerated Atmospheric Corrosion Testing – Volvo Indoor Corrosion Test (VICT)

This standard concerns determination of atmospheric corrosion resistance in an accelerated test. The test method has been developed to simulate the corrosion processes that take place on vehicles in a road environment where sodium chloride constitutes a dominating corrosive component.

Volvo STD 423-0014

Accelerated Corrosion Test

This standard defines an accelerated corrosion test method to be used in assessing the corrosion resistance of metals in environments where there is a significant influence of chloride ions, mainly as sodium chloride from a marine source or by winter road deicing salt.

Volvo VCS 1027-14

Accelerated Corrosion Test

This standard defines an accelerated corrosion test method to be used in assessing the corrosion resistance of metals in environments where there is a significant influence of chloride ions, mainly as sodium chloride from a marine source or by winter road deicing salt.

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