Q-Lab's China Accelerated Lab Earns ISO 17025 Accreditation
News & Press
Last Updated 2020
Q-Lab, a worldwide leader in weathering and corrosion test equipment and test services, is proud to announce their accelerated testing laboratory in Shanghai, China is now accredited to ISO 17025.
Q-Lab China’s accelerated lab in Shanghai opened in 2019, and provides expert accelerated weathering and corrosion testing to customers across Asia. The lab is equipped with a full suite of test chambers, including Q-Lab’s newest QUV, Q-SUN and Q-FOG models that feature high irradiance, color touch-screens, and rapid ramp heater capabilities. Typical color, gloss and visual evaluations are also available. The lab replicates most of the same capabilities as Q-Lab’s ISO 17025-accredited accelerated labs in Florida and Germany. A copy of the Scope of Accreditation may be downloaded here.
Contract testing is ideal for clients that need an accelerated weathering or corrosion exposure but are not yet ready to purchase equipment, or if additional short-term testing capacity is needed. It is also useful when unbiased and certified third-party test results are required.
ISO 17025 specifically assesses those important factors relevant to a laboratory's ability to produce reliable, accurate test and calibration data. Q-Lab welcomes the approval following a comprehensive audit by A2LA (American Association for Laboratory Accreditation), one of the world’s premier laboratory accreditation bodies. CNAS, China’s National Accreditation Service, recognizes A2LA through ILAC, the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation agreement.
Customers across Asia now have a new option for expert, cost-effective accelerated weathering and corrosion testing from “the most trusted name in weathering.”