Q-Lab is Number 1 Worldwide

Q-Lab has been producing standard test substrates since 1956. Today, we produce more paint test panels - by far -
than anyone in the world. Q-PANEL steel and aluminum test substrates have long been recognized as the world standard for a uniform and consistent test surface for paints, adhesives, sealants, and other coatings.



Look for the Q-shaped hole. It’s our trademark, and your assurance of quality.

What Makes It a Q-PANEL?


Key Q-PANEL Features


Q-Lab achieves consistent quality through volume metal purchasing from selected mills and automated production of millions of panels each year on a high-speed line. Rigorous inspection at several processing stages from raw material to finished product ensures high quality.


High-volume production means that Q-PANEL substrates cost less than you might expect for such a standardized surface. Equally important, the convenience of clean, safe, standardized panels reduces the time lab personnel spend cleaning and handling panels.


For maximum convenience, Q-PANEL substrates are supplied pre-cleaned, with a Q-shaped hanging hole. For safety and ease of handling, the panels have rounded corners and deburred edges. Our inventory of over a million panels means that 95% of our orders are shipped from stock.


The Q-PANEL production process thoroughly cleans panels and removes any oil from the surface. Special handling assures that all panels are completely clean when they are packaged.

Key Q-PANEL Features

Check out these key documents for more information on Q-PANEL products and what makes them the world's standard.

Q-PANEL Brochure

Q-PANEL Steel Specifications Bulletin

Q-PANEL Aluminum Specifications Bulletin

Q-PANEL Corrosion Coupon Specifications Bulletin

Q-PANEL Applications Guide