Weathering and Lightfastness

Sunlight, heat, and water can cause damage to coatings, plastics, and other organic materials in outdoor service environments. The damage from these forces of weathering includes changes in physical properties, such as cracking, peeling, embrittlement, gloss loss, and color change.

Q-Lab offers both accelerated weathering testing equipment, as well as exposure testing services. See our guide to Sunlight, Weathering, and Lightstability for an introduction.

Equipment & Accessories

QUV fluorescent UV and Q-SUN xenon arc weathering test chambers simulate and accelerate the three main forces of weathering: sunlight, heat, and moisture.

In just a few days or weeks, they can reproduce the damage that occurs over months or years outdoors

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Exposure Testing Services

Outdoor exposure testing is the most reliable way to evaluate and confirm a product’s weathering durability. It is an essential complement to any accelerated laboratory exposure testing program. 

Q-Lab has two outdoor exposure testing facilities in benchmark test locations of Arizona and Florida, as well as accelerated laboratory testing facilities in Florida and Germany. All are ISO 17205-accredited.

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Q-Lab features a broad array of educational resources, including technical articles, white papers, brochures, and webinars. All weathering educational content is designed to help you better understand the value and practice of weathering testing.

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Industries & Application for Weathering

Learn about the broad range of industries and applications for which weathering testing is critical.

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Document Library

Browse Q-Lab’s extensive library of weathering testing literature and technical content.

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Review setup and performance information on key international and OEM test standards from ASTM, ISO, SAE, JIS, GB, and more.

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