Why Test?

Long-term durability of metals is critical to ensure their performance over time. The performance of metals and alloys in service can be compromised significantly by corrosion caused by outdoor conditions. In some cases, protective coatings and treatments can be applied, but in other situations bare metals and alloys need to withstand the elements.
Will your stainless steel resist corrosion? Does your galvanizing or passivation layer protect against pitting and exfoliation? Don't guess when you can test.
Q-Lab serves customers in multiple industries related to metals, including:
- Corrosion-resistant alloys
- Galvanic Couples
- Automotive metals
- Passivation layers
- Electroplating
- Metallic assemblies
- Solder Connections
For testing against the forces of corrosion, the Q-FOG cyclic corrosion chamber is the perfect tool for recreating atmospheric conditions in the laboratory. The Q-FOG cyclic corrosion tester performs a wide variety of salt spray and cyclic tests applicable to any metals system.
Our Exposure Testing Services for the Metals Industry

Salt-Accelerated Outdoor Corrosion
Direct exposures with salt spray can produce fast and realistic corrosion for metals and alloys. Specimens in salt-accelerated corrosion tests are sprayed with a salt solution twice per week.

Accelerated Laboratory
Accelerated laboratory corrosion testing is an efficient and effective way to evaluate the durability of metals and alloys. Q-FOG cyclic corrosion testers provide the best possible laboratory simulation of natural atmospheric corrosion.
Q-Lab's cyclic corrosion testers simulate the atmospheric conditions that cause a variety of metal corrosion types, including:
- General Corrosion
- Galvanic Corrosion
- Crevice Corrosion
- Filiform Corrosion
- Pitting Corrosion
A variety of corrosion test standards are available to evaluate components’ performance and durability. Visit Q-Lab’s Standards Search page to browse standards and find the right test for your product.
Additional Testing for Metal Applications

Florida & Arizona Natural Outdoor
While accelerated weathering chambers are a key weapon in the fight against the forces of sunlight, heat, and moisture, nothing beats the real thing: outdoor testing in one of Q-Lab's benchmark outdoor weathering facilities. Q-Lab's South Florida and Arizona Desert sites provide the ultimate test of your metal or alloy’s outdoor durability using natural conditions.

Q-TRAC Natural Solar Concentrator
The Q-TRAC natural sunlight concentrator can provide five times the annual solar energy of an exposure in South Florida while using actual sunlight as the radiation source. This exposure combines the benefits of outdoor and accelerated testing.